Director Shaun Costello’s glossy society drama follows high class prostitute, Sunny (Candida Royalle), who has been hired to manipulate a young society man to marry her as part of an…
The Finishing School For The Up-And-Coming-Girls! The Good Girls of Godiva High opens up in the girls gymnasium when we are introduced to the loveliest set of young ladies any…
A beautiful woman recalls her orgy of sexual adventures that she had last summer.Filmed at majestic Lake Shasta, she joined a group of turned on young people as they partied…
From a deserted New England beach we watch a woman in a dripping dress and long wet hair emerge from the depths of the ocean, the personification of our every…
Chabert, inspector of an insurance company, investigates the suspicious death of a billionaire client whose wife has just touched a big bonus. The investigation revealed that the deceased was poisoned…
When a young girl inherits a mansion from a mysterious benefactor, she also inherits a $25,000 debt in back taxes. With only a rusty old catering truck to her credit,…
The twin sisters are played by the real-life American twins Denise and Diane Sloan. Monsieur Mendel, a rich businessman, has retired to Italy where he enjoys sailing. His secretary “takes…
A behind-the-scenes look at the interactions, sex lives, fantasies, and desires of the employees, models, and photographers of an ad agency representing the models of a nylon stocking company.